Aves Apoxie
All prices in Canadian dollars
Aves Apoxie Sculpt is used around the world by sculptors, restorers, crafters, miniaturists, and more. It's used in museums, schools, motion picture studios, aquariums, theme parks and homes. This self-hardening synthetic clay that combines the features and benefits of clay with those of epoxies, and is perfect for embellishing gourds.
Easy to use
- Apoxie Sculpt is a self-hardening, 2-part product. Simply mix both parts by hand.
- Working time is 2-3 hours and clean-up is easy with Apoxie Safety Solvent or soap and water.
- Waterproof and safe to use with potable water.
- Can be seamlessly feathered before set-up, or can be tapped, drilled, sanded, filed, or painted when set-up.
Durable and effective
- Zero percent shrinkage and cracking
- Extremely adhesive, not only on gourds, but on wood, ceramic, metal, and more.
For a great tutorial on using Apoxie Sculpt to embellish gourds,
click here. (Right click to save pdf to your own computer.)

Apoxie Sculpt 4 lb. Natural Temporarily out of stock
Apoxie Sculpt is a self-hardening synthetic clay that combines the features and benefits of clay with those of epoxies.
4 lbs. (2 x 2lb tubs) good for use in sculpting.

Apoxie Sculpt 1 lb Natural Temporarily out of stock
Perfect for smaller sculpting projects.